Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Alternative to Centre Link

Well, now I’m super excited about a job.
This is rare. Since the sole reason why I want a job is so I no longer have to rely on fucking Centre Link. That is it.
I mean, if I could get paid and not work I’d be happy.
Well, I guess that’s how I am now. But I have to put up with Centre Link’s shit, and jump through hoops for my money.
I don’t want to jump through hoops for my money!
I’d rather work for my money!
Yeah, that’s right. I said it. I said that I’d rather work for my money instead of relying on Centre Link.
Shocking, ain’t it?
No. Not really actually.
Most of Australia would agree with me on this.
But the job that has got me all excited?
It’s with Westfield, and combines two of my biggest loves to create my dream job; a Westfield insider. That is basically someone who gets paid to go shopping at Westfield shops, and then write about it online. I think I have to inform the masses about some good deals I found and where I found them.
Too easy!
I just hope that I impress the Westfield people with my application.

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