Monday, September 6, 2010


Well, here I am at 1:35pm Monday afternoon. I have an essay due in a couple of hours, and a talk to give tomorrow morning.
Now guess how much of that work I’ve actually done.
Come on. Guess.
Come on. Come on. Come on!
Yeah, that’s right. None
Absolutely nothing.
I clearly need to work on my work/study ethic, because at the moment it’s just non-existent. And I’m pretty certain that I can’t just cruise through uni and pass like this.
Oh. It’d be nice if I could. But I seriously doubt that it’s possible. I think the whole point of uni is to study and push yourself. And the lecturers and tutors certainly like to make sure that everyone has to actually work to be able to pass.
The bastards!
Man, now I curse those nice cruisey high school days where I didn’t have to put much (if any) effort into my work and receive good marks … I think it’s clear where I developed my fantastic work/study ethic.
Not that the essay is worrying me much. It’s only 1200 words, and I already have a plan that we did in the tute. So even if I hand it in late, it won’t be overly late (a day or two).
But this talk is really worrying me.
For one thing I hate giving talks.
Because I can give the same talk to the same group of people outside of class and be completely fine. But as soon as I get into the classroom with the knowledge that I’m going to be marked, and I just fall to pieces.
Yeah, not good at giving talks.
But it’s not just that.
Apart from the obvious fact that I’m so not prepared for tomorrow, I don’t really know what it is I’m supposed to be researching/giving the talk on. We weren’t too clear on details when we were figuring out the details last week.
So I’m seriously considering flaking tomorrow, and not turn up.
I know that’s extremely bad form considering it’s supposed to be group assignment, and that I’ll be letting down the other two in my group. But I really don’t see any other alternative … apart from actually doing the work. But that’s just crazy.

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