Tuesday, February 7, 2012

EzyLine Might Be Onto Something

With this commercial of theirs:

I know that ever since I first saw it on TV at least a year ago I mocked it. "The tyranny of pegs"!

The absurdity!

But then tonight I realised that we are in fact under the tyranny of pegs!

It's not quite as absurd as it sounds ... although, that being said, I'm yet to experience the pegs all deciding to strike and just jump out of the container on the way to the washing line to hang out the washing (that would be absurd).

But I still have to listen to the wishes of the pegs if I want my washing to remaining hanging on the line. I can't buy those really cheap wooden pegs that seem to delight in letting your clean washing drop to the ground the minute your back is turned. And if you want your pegs to remain in good working order you have to bring them in out of the elements once your washing is dried (thankfully a demand the washing line doesn't make).

If you do risk incurring the wrath of your pegs by leaving them outside to the elements, you also run the very high risk of nasty spiders moving into them and making them their home and unfit to use to hang your washing (not to mention scary).

Ezyline is right. We are under the tyranny of pegs. So much so that we mock those who point it out to us.


  1. OMG!!! Next you'll be singing the praises of 'Roof Handles'. Wooden pegs are sustainable, rustically comforting and mostly compostable - I must stand counterpoint on this one Em (and who hangs out their washing in a bikini, anyway?).

  2. Bahaha! Roof Handles are a joke! People have managed to survive for centuries without them, and models hang out their washing in bikinis, but since they live in a different world they don't count, I guess ... and also, I'm not going to rush out and buy and ezyline system. I'm quite content to remain under the tyranny of pegs

  3. Hi Em,
    We saw your blog on a search from up here in Sydney at Ezyline HQ! It's great to see we have started a conversation going on your blog. We're up in Sydney and send you a friendly hello down in Vic.
    Cheers, The Ezyline Team!
