Monday, December 13, 2010

Road Trip

So tomorrow I go and join my work mates in Shep tomorrow.

It's probably a good thing that I'll only be door knocking for most of the time I'm there. I can't imagine that there's all that much to do in Shep (besides get blind drunk for the whole time).

If I wasn't going to be door knocking (and annoying people [which can be fun]), I'd probably get straight back on the train as soon as I arrive there.

But if I can, I will try and get some pictures of the landmarks of Shep.

And if there's no famous landmarks there, I'll make up my own and make them famous.

Actually ... that sounds like a good idea. I might just do that anyway!

So, stay tuned, peeps, and I'll show you the new famous landmarks of Shep.

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