Friday, October 15, 2010

To Loki's Playpen With It

Well, as I just posted as my Experience Project status, curse my insomnia!
Although I don’t really know why I’m surprised it. I can never sleep at night. I guess I’m just angry with the fact that I have just given up on sleep at all, instead of just waiting to fall asleep at dawn like I usually do.
And I suppose the fact that I’m drinking coffee now isn’t going to help the fact.
Actually, scratch that! The fact that I’m drinking coffee is irrelevant.
I have no hope of going to sleep until tonight, and I have no intention of having a nana nap during any point of today.
And as soon as it’s lighter I’m going for a walk. I’d go for a walk now, but it’s raining. I’m hoping that by the time it’s lighter, the rain will have stopped. I know I’m being optimistic, but …

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