Friday, February 17, 2012


I'm some sort of magical person with special access to some powerful magical force within the universe! Or at least that's what Tara is saying ... and I don't know how this is supposed to help her convince me to pay for her pyschic services; why would I need to pay for something that I can apparently do myself?

Although, maybe I should give Tara some compensation for revealing my apparent Jedi powers to me. I doubt I would've figured that out by myself.

Maybe Jedi isn't the right term to use, since they seem to have an immediate result when they put their mind to something. According to Tara I have to have patience and let whatever it is I want to happen to happen in it's own time ... which is probably why I would never have figured out that I have some kind of awesome, albeit weak, Jedi powers.

But still, if I really do have a connection with the Supreme Vibration, which is apparently the real power in the universe, then it's not something to sniff at ... even if I wish it was a little stronger within me so that I could be a little more like a real Jedi and be able to perform mind tricks and lift things with my mind.

Although, there was nothing in Tara's email that said that I couldn't do any of this stuff. All she said is that I just have to focus on a realistic and attainable goal. I doubt that Jedi's are able to instantly lift things with their minds. So maybe I should give this a try and start small and gradually work my way up to throwing things across the room without lifting a finger.

After all, as Tara said, The Supreme Vibration is within me.

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