Monday, March 7, 2011

Writing About Not Writing


I am so frustrated at the moment.

I want to write. I even have some vague idea about what to write about. But as soon as I sit down to write and give some form to the vague ideas floating around in my head, I have no inclination to write.

I just procrastinate and end up just shutting my computer and watching TV ... a problem that I only really ever face when I have Austar.

I'm sick of this.

I want to write.

I probably should be writing.

Instead, I just surf the internet and then play solitaire. That is it. Nothing more.

I might actually open up Word and set things up there.

But that rarely happens. Even less so these days since I know it's a waste of effort (not time given that all I do is watch TV) to do so.

Now I don't even bother trying to pretend that I have every intention of writing something.

It's actually quite depressing, really.

I want to base my entire life and career on writing, and yet, I'm too lazy to actually do what I want to do.

I guess I've just got into the very bad habit of not writing when I'm on the computer. Probably should do something about that.

Hopefully this is a start.

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