Sunday, March 20, 2011

Josie's Day

Yeah, so my day was so uneventful that I have decided to write about my cat's day.

Another small step to dying alone and having my thousands of cats eating my corpse.

But, whatever. I'm still going to take that step anyways, because I'm crazy that way.

Josie's day (ha! Title drop), started off boring enough. Watching TV on the futon with me. Well, truth be told, I think she was sleeping most of the time ... and I think she was a little put out by the fact that I didn't go to bed.

She was eventually let outside, much to her delight. Although, she wanted to be let out at five am instead of 10 am.

Ok, I must admit that what she did while outside is a mystery to me. I didn't exactly follow her around. That would be truly sad. I have to assume that she went next door to do some hunting.

That's where she goes whenever she hunts.

And she came home with a not quite dead starling in her mouth.

And she was insanely proud of herself, and wanted me to tell her how clever she was and all that (but she already knew that). She kept prancing back and forth with the bird in her mouth, and letting it escape so that she could catch it again, thus proving just how clever she really is.

But then she somehow lost the bird.

I don't know how. It might have something to do with the fact that the starling wasn't quite as dead as it was letting on, nor was its wing broken like it was pretending.

All I know is that when I went back outside half an hour later, the bird was nowhere to be seen and Josie was sulking in the freshly mown grass.

I know, I know, it was a bird and Josie is a cat. Naturally the bird was eaten by Josie.

Let me tell you something, Josie plays with her prey for at least 40 minutes. And she has some kind of problem eating birds; if she eats them at all, she only eats the head and leaves the rest on the doormat.

So, no. The starling was not eaten by Josie. It escaped. Somehow. It possibly died a short time later.

Then, after a strenuous morning hunting and then losing her prey, Josie spent the rest of the day sleeping in them middle of the side yard, away from the dogs. She was only disturbed once, by a young family walking down the street.

Tough day at work for Josie.

When I went out to bring her inside, she wriggled up to me on her back, quite pleased with her efforts for the day.

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