Yesterday I finally had my phone interview with Centrelink. It went well enough. Even if she couldn't book me in with my employment agent thingy.
One thing that couldn't be met. Not my fault though so it was overlooked with a passing comment that I may want to ask about that at the face to face interview ... quite frankly, I found that shocking. I thought even computer glitches were the fault of Centrelink customers (if I did have that kind of power, I doubt I'd be worrying about getting welfare payments).
But at least I was able to book a face to face appointment. Based on the phone interview waiting list, I was very concerned that there'd be another three weeks before the first available slot. I was wrong (thankfully). The first available was today (even the woman conducting yesterday's interview seemed surprised).
Naturally I snagged the latest available time today, so then I had time to gather everything I'd need to bring with me, while still getting the whole damn thing done and over with.
Went in to the interview today with everything I was told that I had to bring with me. Spent all morning getting it together, too. Well, ok. Maybe not all morning. But it was still a good couple of hours spent getting everything.
It was a complete waste of time.
When I went in, a door wench greeted me and asked for my customer reference number, which I recited and then I was talking to someone, going over everything that was discussed on the phone yesterday and signing off on it. We also reset my online services password because I had some doubt about remembering it. FYI, that also required my customer reference number which I was again able to give off the top of my head.
That was it.
Apparently knowing my reference number off by heart is enough to prove that I am who I say I am, that I have been looking for work since being made redundant and that I am indeed poor and need welfare money (which is really depressing). All that time I spent getting everything together this morning was wasted! I could've been doing something far more productive or just sleeping in and enjoying being all warm in bed.
I was reminded that I have to report next week and that I have the employment agency appointment and sent on my merry way. There was nothing about a job seeker diary or about how many jobs I should be applying for (if I even have to at all). It's like I'm receiving free welfare money without any of the obligations, and job hunting is just for my own benefit ... even if after a month of looking I'm a little down on the whole process.
Oh, and there was also a moment of pure terror in the office: halfway through the interview she excused herself and disappeared for several minutes. When I say disappeared, I mean I could see her across the room talking. Then I watched her and someone else go into a conference room and talk. It was a heart stopping moment and I expected her to return and tell me to go away, there was nothing Centrelink was going to do for me today.
Massive sigh of relief when that never happened.
And now I'm just looking for work for my own entertainment, and also so that, you know, I have real money again and can afford to buy things I want. But at least I don't have to apply for so many jobs a week or even keep track of them (which is the worst part of the Newstart Allowance). No obligations, YEAH!
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