Thursday, October 13, 2011

Warning Labels

I'm probably not alone in thinking that some warning labels are just so stupid that if a person was to go against it, they deserve to die.

But what's even more worrying that generally these warning labels only appear after some stupid person did it and then sued the company for their own stupidity. So it's understandable that companies want to protect themselves against further law suits and put out these incrediably stupid warnings, like not using electrical items when in the bath or shower.

But really, if a person is stupid enough not to realise what they're doing is dangerous and will probably end with them being serious injured or killed, then that person really doesn't deserve to live.

Let's bring back survival of the fittest.

Let the stupid people do their stupid stunts like using a hair dryer while showering, or consuming that bottle of viscous liquid.

That's right, I'm talking about Social Darwinism.

That's basically how we became the way we are today; the strongest and smartest people didn't get themselves killed doing stupid things and were therefore able to reproduce and pass on their strong and smart genes to the next generation. I'm pretty certain that we as a species wouldn't be so successful today if it had've been the stupid passing on their stupid genes.

I mean, if you don't realise that kitty litter isn't for human consumption (there is actually a brand of kitty litter with that on it) without the help of a warning label then you really have no hope and, quite frankly, I'm surprised you can actually read the warning label.

But not all warning labels are about saving lives. At least not directly. Take a look at this (which I'm aware isn't technically a warning label):

"Dispose of solid waste in trash"
"Dispose of used litter in waste"

And here I was making the cats use the tray and then tossing all of the solid waste to the side when the tray whenever the tray needed to be cleaned. The used litter is in another little pile next to the solid waste.

Seriously, what kind of people need spelled out to them?

It's about time companies and society remembered it's all about survival of the fittest, and by providing these foolish people with warning labels, they're not helping the rest of us.

I'm pretty sure future generations will thank us for the removal of warning labels.

Also, I'm aware that young children like to do all the stuff I've just raged against. But they're too young to know any better. That's where good parenting comes in so that they learn what's stupid and what's not.

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