Monday, June 6, 2011

Pre-employment Training day 1

Well, as the title clearly says, today was day one of my pre-employment training.

After just one day, I personally think that the whole course can be done in 10 days. But that's just me. Maybe it's unrealistic ... but I don't think so.

Although, if the course was condensed down to 10 days, then I don't think there would be time for our campfires ... yeah, my instructor is also a fan of NCIS. There has only been two campfires thus far, but I think that I would really miss them.

And the people in my little training group all seem like nice enough people, which is always a bonus.

But the true high light of day was on the train home; some man went to all this effort of stowing all of his luggage in the overhead storage compartment thingy, before asking me if the seat was free.

I might just be me thinking this, but that seems like the sort of question you ask before you stow away all of your stuff.

I felt like being mean and saying that the seat was, in fact, taken.

But I didn't.


I did notice that this bloke seemed extra keen to be nice; once he was done reading his copy of the MX, he offered it to me to read. I honestly don't know if he was unaware that the MX is free or not. But he seemed determined that his free paper didn't go to waste ... right up til he dropped it under the seats in front us.

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