Monday, January 3, 2011


Well, as you're probably aware, it's now 2011.

Big surprise, huh.

Maybe time for reflections about the past year, and what I want from this new year?

So, what did I learn last year?

Well, apart from the obvious; finding a job that I really want to do is damn near impossible. So naturally, discovering that I don't like being a door to door sales person all that much didn't come as a surprise ... but at least it's giving me skills that I may need when I finally get into journalism ... not to mention some of the (fictional) stories I might be able to get from some of the nutters I deal with.

I also remembered that going to Ocean Grove for Christams is a really stupid idea. I don't know why I keep forgetting this little fact. Maybe because no one can possibly believe just how bad tourists can get.

And I wasn't even driving a car, which is when you see some classic tourist stupidity.

Not that there was a shortage of that; shopping in Geelong Nat Geo had someone walking around Baycity with someone dressed up as a platypus (still don't know why though). But some lady walking past the table I was sitting at said to her child "Look at the duck."

I mean the Nat Geo platypus did look self concious, but he was still clearly a playtpus! Stupid woman. Stupid touros.

And now I'm ranting ...

So going to change the subject back to my 2011 refelctions;

Well I guess what I want from this year is obvious; a much, much better job than the one I currently have. Preferably one in journalism ... but anything with writing is pretty good for me.

I'd also like to say that I will avoid Ocean Grove during the height of tourist season. But since mum lives down there, I know that this won't be the case.

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