Thursday, October 14, 2010


So apparently it doesn’t really matter what room I’m in when I’m writing. I’ve just got to warm up before jumping into my stories.
I guess that’s why I keep this journal.
That. And some of the shit I write goes into my blog as well.
But after my previous entry, I was able to write a fair bit on my story I was complaining about. Admittedly, I’m stuck now and probably haven’t written as much as I would’ve liked. But it’s an improvement on the previous week.
And I did also spend a fair bit of time looking for short story competitions.
Which, as it turns out, there’s quite a few if you know where to look … actually, it’s all about knowing where to look, I think. I found a really helpful site that tells me about competitions for each month. So I’m definitely going to keep that tab open and keep an eye on competitions. Even if it doesn’t actually mention The Age Short Story competition. But that may because that comp is already closed *sigh* But there’s always next year for that one.
But the best thing about finding all these competitions is that I’m once again enthused about writing, and can actually see some hope of being a successful fiction writer.
My writing future is looking bright once more.

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