Monday, August 2, 2010

Aneamia and Insomnia

Anaemia and Insomnia.
Pretty bad combination to have.
And yet, I’m certain that’s the combo I have.
The insomnia is nothing new; I’ve had that for as long as I can remember. It’s never really been a problem for me. I learned very quickly how to cope with that … probably why I like to sleep in.
But the Anaemia is something new.
Actually not that new if I think about it: I think I’ve had it for awhile, but it only clicked this weekend what it may be.
Saturday I was still exhausted from (what I assumed) the two full on days at Uni earlier in the week. That’s when I realized that after three days of doing shit all, I shouldn’t be so exhausted. I then went over my diet for the last week, and realized that I had basically been mainlining red meat … unhealthy amounts. A quick check of the inside of my eyelids confirmed my sudden suspicion;
I’m anaemic.
It explains so much.
Like why I always struggle to get up, and easily sleep in until the mid afternoon every day. I’d just been thinking that these sleep ins were due to my insomnia and my constant late nights … although I did think it was a bit odd on the few occasions that I got an early night, and still slept in really late.
So now, I’m going to have to completely change my diet to include foods high in iron. I’ll also probably have to take iron pills. Both of which sound like a major hassle (although I’m not complaining about “having” to eat more red meat).
I just hope it’s not going to cost too much.
I’ve also got to talk to the doctor and get blood tests and all that. But I know the symptoms. So it’ll just be confirming what I already know. But the doc will be able to give me advice on what I’ll need to do.

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