Just watch this ad:
Did you pick up on the bit about "earth dollars"?
It's actually pretty insignificant really. After all, this ad could be set in the future where there's a one world government and currency, we live side by side with ET's and Budget Direct is the insurance company of the future.
Plenty of possible explanations for that whole "earth dollars" comment.
Now watch this ad:
Did you hear it? Did you hear that the aliens and Budget Direct are in Australia?
That means that those "earth dollars" that were mentioned in the earlier ad are actually Australian dollars!
And suddenly these ads are a lot more interesting. Is Budget Direct implying that Australia is about to take over the world with the aid of our alien allies (why else would there be ET's living peacefully side by side with us in the suburbs)? Or is it that the one world government simply decided that the Australian currency was the best currency to adopt for the whole world to use? Or is Budget Direct actually run by aliens (and the ones we see in the ads are actually real instead of CG) who haven't realised (for whatever reason) that the there are probably better and stronger currencies to use than the Australian dollar (but then, I'm not an economist. I don't really know or care about these kinds of things)?
Whatever the case, Budget Direct is still setting itself up as the insurance company of the future.